Web Server Statistics for ISOC Workshop Resource Centre

Program started on Fri, Jan 06 2012 at 4:55 AM.
Analyzed requests from Thu, Jan 05 2012 at 4:56 AM to Fri, Jan 06 2012 at 4:59 AM (1.00 days).

General Summary

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Daily Report | Daily Summary | Hourly Summary | Domain Report | Organization Report | Host Report | Status Code Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Failure Report | Request Report)

This report contains overall statistics.

Successful requests: 60,560
Average successful requests per day: 60,433
Successful requests for pages: 36,352
Average successful requests for pages per day: 36,275
Failed requests: 5,765
Redirected requests: 38,804
Distinct files requested: 22,625
Distinct hosts served: 869
Unwanted logfile entries: 52,621
Data transferred: 2.51 gigabytes
Average data transferred per day: 2.50 gigabytes

Daily Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Daily Report | Daily Summary | Hourly Summary | Domain Report | Organization Report | Host Report | Status Code Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Failure Report | Request Report)

This report lists the activity in each day.

Each unit (+) represents 600 requests for pages or part thereof.

Jan/ 5/122876813409+++++++++++++++++++++++
Jan/ 6/123179222943+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Busiest day: Jan/ 6/12 (22,943 requests for pages).

Daily Summary

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Daily Report | Daily Summary | Hourly Summary | Domain Report | Organization Report | Host Report | Status Code Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Failure Report | Request Report)

This report lists the total activity for each day of the week, summed over all the weeks in the report.

Each unit (+) represents 600 requests for pages or part thereof.


Hourly Summary

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Daily Report | Daily Summary | Hourly Summary | Domain Report | Organization Report | Host Report | Status Code Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Failure Report | Request Report)

This report lists the total activity for each hour of the day, summed over all the days in the report.

Each unit (+) represents 150 requests for pages or part thereof.


Domain Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Daily Report | Daily Summary | Hourly Summary | Domain Report | Organization Report | Host Report | Status Code Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Failure Report | Request Report)

This report lists the countries of the computers which requested files.

Listing domains, sorted by the amount of traffic.

5322151.36%.ru (Russia)
147522.58%[unresolved numerical addresses]
452514.24%.com (Commercial)
155 3.47%.in (India)
271 2.10%.net (Networks)
73 0.64%.fr (France)
8 0.63%.au (Australia)
32 0.54%.mx (Mexico)
310 0.45%.edu (US Higher Education)
115 0.42%.ua (Ukraine)
28 0.32%.be (Belgium)
12 0.21%.ca (Canada)
4 0.21%.th (Thailand)
5 0.21%.ro (Romania)
8 0.19%[unknown domain]
20 0.19%.de (Germany)
22 0.17%.jp (Japan)
7 0.17%.ch (Switzerland)
19 0.16%.co (Colombia)
7 0.14%.pl (Poland)
39 0.13%.mg (Madagascar)
6 0.13%.cl (Chile)
4 0.13%.sg (Singapore)
1 0.12%.pe (Peru)
2 0.11%.fi (Finland)
3 0.11%.se (Sweden)
4 0.11%.eg (Egypt)
1 0.09%.uk (United Kingdom)
2 0.07%.cu (Cuba)
7 0.07%.ma (Morocco)
9 0.06%.pk (Pakistan)
2 0.06%.cz (Czech Republic)
1 0.06%.si (Slovenia)
4 0.05%.cg (Congo)
15 0.05%.br (Brazil)
4 0.04%.it (Italy)
41 0.03%.org (Non Profit Making Organizations)
3 0.02%.ba (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
3 0.02%.es (Spain)
9 0.02%.pt (Portugal)
3 0.02%.ps (Occupied Palestinian Territory)
2 0.02%.kh (Cambodia)
4 0.01%.arpa (Arpanet)
2 0.01%.hu (Hungary)
3 0.01%.vn (Vietnam)
4 0.01%.ye (Yemen)
5 0.01%.ph (Philippines)
7 0.01%.gov (US Government)
2 0.01%.za (South Africa)
3 0.01%.lu (Luxembourg)
9 [domain not given]
1 .np (Nepal)
4 .nl (Netherlands)
1 .ve (Venezuela)
2 .tw (Taiwan)
2 .tv (Tuvalu)
8 .sb (Solomon Islands)
3 .cn (China)
2 .id (Indonesia)
1 .at (Austria)
10 .jo (Jordan)
1 .md (Moldova)
1 .ec (Ecuador)
1 .us (United States)
1 .bg (Bulgaria)
1 .ke (Kenya)

Organization Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Daily Report | Daily Summary | Hourly Summary | Domain Report | Organization Report | Host Report | Status Code Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Failure Report | Request Report)

This report lists the organizations of the computers which requested files.

Listing the top 20 organizations by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

3580 5.17%googlebot.com
345 0.15%208.115
315 0.50%wowrack.com
288 0.11%uoregon.edu
244 3.45%msn.com
151 1.67%41
110 0.41%utel.net.ua
103 0.12%180.76
77 4.57%27
68 0.61%122.airtelbroadband.in
65 0.84%yandex.com
64 209.188
61 0.15%hp.net
52 0.37%sky.com
50 0.32%wanadoo.fr
49 0.03%apnic.net
47 0.03%corbina.ru
43 0.10%baidu.com
41 0.03%icann.org
167330.33%[not listed: 431 organizations]

Host Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Daily Report | Daily Summary | Hourly Summary | Domain Report | Organization Report | Host Report | Status Code Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Failure Report | Request Report)

This report lists the computers which requested files.

Listing the top 50 hosts by the number of requests, sorted alphabetically.

77 4.57%
17 0.05%
15 0.23%
17 0.02%
20 0.09%
32 0.13%
19 0.30%
15 0.05%
16 1.09%
15 0.04%
345 0.15%
16 0.01%
22 0.27%d51530062.static.telenet.be
674 0.79%crawl-66-249-68-197.googlebot.com
2901 4.37%crawl-66-249-68-7.googlebot.com
22 0.12%server.lindowsradio.com
20 0.15%msnbot-157-55-16-220.search.msn.com
23 0.61%msnbot-157-55-17-148.search.msn.com
19 0.12%msnbot-207-46-13-101.search.msn.com
22 0.25%msnbot-207-46-13-146.search.msn.com
51 0.78%msnbot-207-46-13-97.search.msn.com
27 0.09%msnbot-207-46-199-46.search.msn.com
29 0.22%msnbot-65-52-104-20.search.msn.com
19 0.16%msnbot-65-52-108-67.search.msn.com
27 0.49%msnbot-65-52-110-16.search.msn.com
48 0.23%5ac31778.bb.sky.com
21 0.21%
315 0.50%208-115-111-70-reverse.wowrack.com
64 0.83%spider-199-21-99-75.yandex.com
17 0.14%mail.hightechinstitute.edu
288 0.11%wirelessu-test.uoregon.edu
24 0.07%anantes-259-1-163-208.w90-49.abo.wanadoo.fr
17 0.38%abts-kk-static-
42 0.14%abts-kk-dynamic-
20 0.50%smtp.ttml.co.in
35 0.12%routeur.intercecam.mg
25 dynamic203.apnic.net
14 ip70-177-167-174.dc.dc.cox.net
20 0.02%bgepxyout-07.asiapac.hp.net
19 sdcwebdproxy2.europe.hp.net
21 sdcwebdproxy7.europe.hp.net
41 0.03%swan.lax.dns.icann.org
47 0.03%93-81-55-242.broadband.corbina.ru
110 0.41%
163030.04%[not listed: 819 hosts]

Status Code Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Daily Report | Daily Summary | Hourly Summary | Domain Report | Organization Report | Host Report | Status Code Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Failure Report | Request Report)

This report lists the HTTP status codes of all requests.

Listing status codes, sorted numerically.

#reqsstatus code
36322200 OK
610206 Partial content
38593301 Document moved permanently
211302 Document found elsewhere
23628304 Not modified since last retrieval
54400 Bad request
125403 Access forbidden
4971404 Document not found
37405 Method not allowed
7416 Requested range not valid
9500 Internal server error
562503 Service temporarily unavailable

File Size Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Daily Report | Daily Summary | Hourly Summary | Domain Report | Organization Report | Host Report | Status Code Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Failure Report | Request Report)

This report lists the sizes of files.

1B- 10B1 
11B- 100B134 
101B- 1kB6058 0.20%
1kB- 10kB18775 1.92%
100kB- 1MB169621.32%
1MB- 10MB60854.94%

File Type Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Daily Report | Daily Summary | Hourly Summary | Domain Report | Organization Report | Host Report | Status Code Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Failure Report | Request Report)

This report lists the extensions of files.

Listing extensions with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.

556639.13%.pdf [Adobe Portable Document Format]
15377 7.09%.html [Hypertext Markup Language]
718 4.69%.gz [Gzip compressed files]
505 3.65%  .ps.gz [Gzipped PostScript]
209 1.03%  .tar.gz [Compressed archives]
1455 4.26%.png [PNG graphics]
1095 3.32%.jpeg [JPEG graphics]
276 3.22%.ps [PostScript]
3938 2.68%.pl [Perl scripts]
19996 2.31%[directories]
648 1.86%.odp
7 1.03%.tgz
1114 0.80%.php [PHP]
30 0.65%.avi [AVI movies]
485 0.61%.jpg [JPEG graphics]
184 0.51%.doc [Microsoft Word document]
60 0.49%.JPG
62 0.45%.tbz
132 0.45%.ics
8 0.42%.bin
443 0.41%.sxi
26 0.40%.bz2
8 0.38%.exe [Executables]
174 0.33%.odt
1006 0.33%.txt [Plain text]
2 0.32%.img
336 0.26%[no extension]
50 0.22%.iso
164 0.17%.PDF
4929 0.66%[not listed: 52 extensions]

Directory Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Daily Report | Daily Summary | Hourly Summary | Domain Report | Organization Report | Host Report | Status Code Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Failure Report | Request Report)

This report lists the directories from which files were requested. (The figures for each directory include all of its subdirectories.)

Listing directories with at least 0.01% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.

9439 6.82%/analog/
4102 2.72%/cgi-bin/
310 0.66%/calendar/
756 0.29%[root directory]
92 0.27%/materials/
2213 0.23%/images/
734 0.19%/helpfiles/
643 0.16%/usage/
55 0.08%/search/
494 0.05%/icons/
168 0.02%/planning/
140 0.02%/mailman/
165 0.02%/scripts/
60 0.02%/peer-review/
111 0.02%/archive/
377 0.06%[not listed: 11 directories]

Failure Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Daily Report | Daily Summary | Hourly Summary | Domain Report | Organization Report | Host Report | Status Code Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Failure Report | Request Report)

This report lists the files that caused failures, for example files not found.

Listing the top 30 files by the number of failed requests, sorted by the number of failed requests.

11/workshops/2008/wireless-security/joel/books/monowallhandbook/m0n0wall Handbook_files/m0n0doc.css
8/workshops/2008/wireless-security/joel/books/monowallhandbook/m0n0wall Handbook_files/out.gif
8/workshops/2008/wireless-security/joel/books/monowallhandbook/m0n0wall Handbook_files/captiveportal.png
8/workshops/2008/wireless-security/joel/books/monowallhandbook/m0n0wall Handbook_files/dhcpleases-all.png
8/workshops/2008/wireless-security/joel/books/monowallhandbook/m0n0wall Handbook_files/proxyarpedit.png
4471[not listed: 2,835 files]

Request Report

(Go To: Top | General Summary | Daily Report | Daily Summary | Hourly Summary | Domain Report | Organization Report | Host Report | Status Code Report | File Size Report | File Type Report | Directory Report | Failure Report | Request Report)

This report lists the files on the site.

Listing files with at least 20 requests, sorted by the number of requests.

#reqs%byteslast timefile
3318 2.58%Jan/ 6/12 4:58 AM/cgi-bin/webcalng/webcalng.pl
590 0.23%Jan/ 6/12 4:55 AM/
319 0.11%Jan/ 6/12 3:32 AM/helpfiles/workshop_info_main.php
13 Jan/ 6/12 3:21 AM  /helpfiles/workshop_info_main.php?id=680
144 0.06%Jan/ 6/12 3:53 AM/index.php
130 0.17%Jan/ 6/12 4:18 AM/calendar/index.php
111 0.03%Jan/ 6/12 4:21 AM/cgi-bin/wiki/pub/advanced-cctld.pl
111 0.03%Jan/ 6/12 4:22 AM/cgi-bin/wiki/pub/dakar-cctld.pl
108 8.52%Jan/ 6/12 4:10 AM/data/2010/15678359774b67528c8924a/lecture-02-wed-layer2-vlans.ppt
104 3.48%Jan/ 6/12 4:29 AM/data/2004/873961028427f0b66f130a/cli.pdf
93 0.01%Jan/ 6/12 3:46 AM/scripts/errors.php
40 0.01%Jan/ 6/12 3:46 AM  /scripts/errors.php?id=2
17 Jan/ 6/12 3:28 AM  /scripts/errors.php?id=11
16 Jan/ 6/12 3:23 AM  /scripts/errors.php?id=4
82 0.79%Jan/ 6/12 4:07 AM/data/2000/113925681240073677d0fb5/bgp.ppt
81 2.80%Jan/ 6/12 4:42 AM/data/2004/873961028427f0b66f130a/junos_sanog.pdf
72 0.01%Jan/ 6/12 4:27 AM/scripts/
71 0.62%Jan/ 6/12 4:47 AM/data/2005/5405798664482744cf3609/cisco_base.ppt
68 Jan/ 6/12 4:57 AM/usage/lifetime.html
67 0.02%Jan/ 6/12 3:58 AM/helpfiles/workshop_info.php
66 0.06%Jan/ 6/12 4:54 AM/calendar/ical/wrc-upcoming.ics
66 0.44%Jan/ 6/12 4:38 AM/data/2006/71840536244822146cdcf5/introduction-to-cisco-routers.ppt
61 0.35%Jan/ 6/12 4:50 AM/calendar/ical/wrc-all.ics
61 0.09%Jan/ 6/12 4:08 AM/data/2006/10980603514482363472620/routage-statique.pdf
54 0.01%Jan/ 6/12 4:24 AM/cgi-bin/wiki/pub/linuxchix-ke.pl
54 0.14%Jan/ 6/12 4:58 AM/workshops/2007/linuxchix-ke/po/freebsd/freebsdref1.pdf
47 0.37%Jan/ 6/12 4:17 AM/data/2004/132703746440d6ea71a7f28/Introduction.ppt
46 Jan/ 6/12 3:32 AM/organizers/
46 Jan/ 6/12 4:33 AM/workshops/2004/
45 0.01%Jan/ 6/12 4:24 AM/cgi-bin/wiki/pub/me-cctld.pl
43 0.01%Jan/ 6/12 4:24 AM/cgi-bin/wiki/pub/netmanage.pl
41 Jan/ 6/12 3:23 AM/css/
39 Jan/ 6/12 4:32 AM/workshops/2005/
39 0.01%Jan/ 6/12 4:18 AM/blog/
38 Jan/ 6/12 3:32 AM/data/2010/15678359774b67528c8924a/
38 0.01%Jan/ 6/12 4:55 AM/cgi-bin/wiki/pub/pacnog4.pl
38 0.02%Jan/ 6/12 4:35 AM/helpfiles/
37 0.01%Jan/ 6/12 3:38 AM/images/regions/
37 Jan/ 6/12 3:38 AM/images/flags/
37 0.07%Jan/ 6/12 3:28 AM/images/
37 Jan/ 6/12 4:47 AM/data/2005/5405798664482744cf3609/
37 Jan/ 6/12 3:32 AM/data/2009/2773162054bea2f2007e9a/
37 0.01%Jan/ 6/12 4:44 AM/workshops/2008/wireless-security/joel/
37 Jan/ 6/12 4:33 AM/workshops/2006/
37 Jan/ 6/12 4:33 AM/workshops/2007/
37 0.06%Jan/ 6/12 4:26 AM/images/flags/small/
36 Jan/ 6/12 3:32 AM/data/2008/5924966774bea34a01057f/
36 Jan/ 6/12 4:21 AM/cgi-bin/wiki/pub/auwebcache.pl
36 Jan/ 6/12 3:32 AM/data/2009/16369526704bea3c5a3e001/
36 0.01%Jan/ 6/12 4:22 AM/cgi-bin/wiki/pub/dnssec-dakar.pl
36 Jan/ 6/12 3:38 AM/analog/reports/
36 Jan/ 6/12 3:38 AM/analog/reports/day/
36 Jan/ 6/12 3:38 AM/images/new-nav/
36 0.01%Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/data/2008/3097019549281200ae4f5/
36 0.06%Jan/ 6/12 4:26 AM/images/flags/large/
36 Jan/ 6/12 3:38 AM/images/navbar/
36 Jan/ 6/12 4:08 AM/workshops/2004/SANOG-IV/
36 Jan/ 6/12 3:38 AM/analog/
36 Jan/ 6/12 3:38 AM/images/countries/
35 Jan/ 6/12 4:26 AM/cgi-bin/wiki/pub/sanog9.pl
35 Jan/ 6/12 4:31 AM/workshops/2004/ccTLD-Cameroun/jour2/
34 Jan/ 6/12 4:34 AM/workshops/2004/ccTLD-Cameroun/jour1/
34 Jan/ 6/12 3:42 AM/analog/reports/week/
34 0.01%Jan/ 6/12 4:34 AM/workshops/2004/CEDIA2/material/
34 Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/workshops/2010/
33 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2004/132703746440d6ea71a7f28/
33 Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/data/2004/13011995344052405c17e72/
33 Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/workshops/2009/apricot/
33 Jan/ 6/12 3:39 AM/analog/reports/month/
33 Jan/ 6/12 4:34 AM/workshops/2004/SANOG-IV/ip-services/presentations/ip-intro/
33 Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/data/2003/13257505894039ffaae76c0/
33 Jan/ 6/12 4:14 AM/workshops/2008/AfNOG/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/data/2008/1904192401492dad184f4db/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/data/2009/19850905844ac6118d59b3b/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:17 AM/data/2007/56072654547d8f2d7619f4/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:17 AM/data/2004/52273254448271edebe0b/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:17 AM/data/2006/2001368856448237caf29af/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/data/2004/203769468644826917b00ac/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:17 AM/data/2007/15875975847d8e9f0bfeca/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:17 AM/data/2005/178351213643a2e55b00220/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:17 AM/data/2007/56684660147d8ed294aaf5/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/data/2009/94581874ac616103c44f/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:17 AM/data/2005/5580582704482780da4ff3/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/data/2003/1057302690403a01c89bbdf/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:17 AM/data/2005/65770988244827797edb98/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/data/2009/8223024944ac60afeae74e/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/data/2009/18060830484ac609f17f05d/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:17 AM/data/2005/1561363375448278f93307d/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/data/2004/9073840564052586a83532/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/data/2004/17278768714052559eb9091/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:17 AM/data/2005/663330949448262fd7c291/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:17 AM/data/2006/2163089284482385a52be7/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:17 AM/data/2005/110871512543a2e47f6e938/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:17 AM/data/2007/166678802247d8eddd5ab9f/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:21 AM/data/2006/71840536244822146cdcf5/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:17 AM/data/2007/119330781647d8ebb49fc33/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/data/2009/1734780084ac614b3a1377/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/data/2009/15104608334ac610af3b9f6/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/data/2003/1071604728403c9dc40bb22/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:17 AM/data/2005/1611677291448275903c7b2/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:17 AM/data/2005/118230341643a2ea15df802/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:26 AM/cgi-bin/wiki/pub/ws-cctld.pl
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:18 AM/data/2000/113925681240073677d0fb5/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:17 AM/data/2005/158634916643a2eab674777/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:17 AM/data/2005/89099298043a2e63712d1f/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/data/2004/1793926909448271400b603/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:11 AM/workshops/2007/afnog7/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/data/2004/183005930544826a0b6a733/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:17 AM/data/2005/87740490448274afdde24/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/data/2006/1118638278452f3cb6c71c9/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/data/2008/303125380492d8c8675039/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/data/2004/12233513244826d2f8d0eb/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:17 AM/data/2005/106734640243a2f86e2a86c/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/data/2004/977264032448268887f66e/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/data/2004/101532717144826b46d9c9e/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:17 AM/data/2006/2027165625448235a528999/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/data/2004/147618392244826bc9cf501/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/data/2009/2464576964ac6082b984cb/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:22 AM/cgi-bin/wiki/pub/gy-cctld.pl
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/data/2004/1797176210448267ca02e17/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:17 AM/data/2005/203718563344827723b9e2b/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:17 AM/data/2007/147211836047d8efbe7b18d/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:17 AM/data/2006/899419640448238db4b459/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/data/2004/50078984144826c1351c84/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:17 AM/data/2004/94967146944826f907a1e8/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:17 AM/data/2005/62976980843a2dc4eb1e5d/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/data/2009/15169908924ac61715e054a/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:17 AM/data/2006/56405692544823a48a7e96/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:17 AM/data/2006/1688051496448239de2613a/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:17 AM/data/2005/33189485144827626a38a6/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/data/2004/36711928744826c54242a0/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/data/2008/1179434240492dac2af2b75/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/data/2002/155539159644888830036b3/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:17 AM/data/2006/69611456448236a094360/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/data/2009/16360680324ac60486606cb/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/data/2004/1022096642448269615e34e/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:17 AM/data/2007/163714044247d8eacfea6e7/
32 2.45%Jan/ 6/12 3:46 AM/data/2010/15678359774b67528c8924a/lecture-02-wed-layer2-vlans.pdf
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/data/2004/1463831309405251de43d91/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:17 AM/data/2005/132593621743a2fb14e53f8/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/data/2009/17253191614ac6184130829/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/data/2004/41394283340524187241c8/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:17 AM/data/2005/165392869943a2ee7d9f2ef/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/data/2009/3373933594ac5a074a7b04/
32 Jan/ 6/12 4:17 AM/data/2005/88090090243a2de3071633/
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32 Jan/ 6/12 4:17 AM/data/2007/85621052347d8eb47360b3/
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32 Jan/ 6/12 4:16 AM/data/2009/7831888834ac59f2da1ebd/
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29 Jan/ 6/12 4:44 AM/workshops/2006/ccTLD-Samoa/day1/
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29 Jan/ 6/12 4:45 AM/workshops/2007/PacNOG3/day4-5/
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29 Jan/ 6/12 4:45 AM/workshops/isocws/
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28 Jan/ 6/12 4:20 AM/data/2005/447264614334cdc501746/
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28 Jan/ 6/12 4:21 AM/data/2009/650885920496647f6b2d42/
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28 Jan/ 6/12 4:21 AM/data/2007/1827298979477e5e3ac5832/
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28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2003/168824660427ee20d88352/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2004/204922249743a2f6bfdf0bd/
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28 Jan/ 6/12 4:20 AM/data/2005/69465568442fc27f5bdeb2/
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28 Jan/ 6/12 4:20 AM/data/2006/10534160274481bbe8069ed/
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28 Jan/ 6/12 4:20 AM/data/2006/1156601184448218a95833f/
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28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2000/21208752974007602191a3a/
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28 Jan/ 6/12 4:20 AM/data/2005/96231114042fc28ab88352/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2003/700360037427ee405b4272/
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28 Jan/ 6/12 4:20 AM/data/2006/1441707702448cf8c5a23b3/
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28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2000/212115105340077316b7cd4/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:31 AM/workshops/2004/CEDIA/presentaciones/bc/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:21 AM/data/2006/973007980448222f5bc59c/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:20 AM/data/2006/1266280300448c7410aab27/
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28 Jan/ 6/12 4:20 AM/data/2005/1775312434448260ceca065/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:20 AM/data/2006/107407769944822de480e88/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2000/5794121454004e80c2de40/
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28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2000/1926530434004ed3c61dc2/
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28 Jan/ 6/12 4:21 AM/data/2009/14873301114a9b6fec3a280/
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28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2003/9642836473fa01ff7e00d9/
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28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2000/5019075743cc977dc0588/
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28 Jan/ 6/12 4:21 AM/data/2006/2698516324481b80063244/
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28 Jan/ 6/12 4:21 AM/data/2008/11354158174924ed34af42d/
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28 Jan/ 6/12 4:20 AM/data/2006/17024847454481b30edf425/
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28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2000/206350100743cd436f76afc/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2004/1244618809427f08bd68787/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2000/67559045943cb37956623a/
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28 Jan/ 6/12 4:18 AM/data/2000/100889462240077c1b38dc8/
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28 Jan/ 6/12 4:18 AM/data/2000/16457666654007695e30c21/
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28 Jan/ 6/12 4:45 AM/workshops/2006/PacNOG2/track2/routing/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:21 AM/data/2008/117372831249017f718659c/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:20 AM/data/2005/139769112242fc16c73a151/
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28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2003/16295198243fa01d7834d68/
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28 Jan/ 6/12 4:21 AM/data/2006/48250196044821dc390b43/
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28 Jan/ 6/12 4:18 AM/data/2000/14232032064007663eca8a6/
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28 Jan/ 6/12 4:44 AM/workshops/2008/wireless-security/joel/books/
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28 Jan/ 6/12 4:20 AM/data/2006/21250849824481badc7e2b3/
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28 Jan/ 6/12 4:20 AM/data/2006/1903640847448cf92da5f07/
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28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2004/553753241427f0452e9dd3/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:21 AM/data/2008/115144049049017d7d31e4d/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2004/2124145162427f05a5e4fb3/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:21 AM/data/2008/2025419454924ef3baf83a/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:18 AM/data/1999/279208218400af2d506c5d/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:20 AM/data/2006/14649147914481b9f518298/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:21 AM/data/2006/434715154452f36134ec40/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:44 AM/workshops/2005/ccTLD-Nairobi/iso/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2004/1877783473427f01b08f888/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:20 AM/data/2005/86043391842fc29cf85c49/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:21 AM/data/2009/8172297574a9b67f273209/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:20 AM/data/2006/2091181348448226442d1e9/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2004/103784089740ce1b85268d3/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:18 AM/data/2000/183639185043cc9f7828dbf/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:18 AM/data/2000/132286133440077f640ff34/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2003/1906299642400b8571cfcb6/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2004/32213713640d82c4f6ae91/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2003/785187758427ee361e4fb1/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:20 AM/data/2005/172061330643a2f98a7f301/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:21 AM/data/2007/13560198494784cfa12f609/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:21 AM/data/2006/30330987144822ebb30acd/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:18 AM/data/2000/122711060743cbd4f530438/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2000/50003156343cc969b8f9cb/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:21 AM/data/2006/6197229844481c10d4ed2b/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2003/1739014003403b585fb427b/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:21 AM/data/2009/21050359844a9b5fcc04e73/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2000/69934403743cd4423955ad/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:20 AM/data/2006/12675549354482287a4f488/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2003/950980501400b6c915df64/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:20 AM/data/2006/2134808751448228e3c2055/
28 0.01%Jan/ 6/12 4:21 AM/data/2006/572030722448210f3c8067/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:20 AM/data/2006/268716545448cf9a70b49c/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:31 AM/workshops/2004/ccTLD-bkk/info/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2000/86040932040076448f40b0/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2003/15765024613fa01e528f2b9/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2003/375477389400b720e03aa2/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:20 AM/data/2006/185713800644821ed543a66/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2004/1536180886427f08361576b/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:20 AM/data/2006/19478870204481b5e442745/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2004/1166996358427effc1241ca/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2003/1811667948400b753304722/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:21 AM/data/2009/143195982149664ad4e8856/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:21 AM/data/2006/7131105994481b26e59533/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:18 AM/data/1999/89754899400afdb03ac55/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2000/799734858400735bb239d8/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2004/22673981640ce14cc85c4a/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:21 AM/data/2006/749769031448cf84f38c38/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:20 AM/data/2004/94988264840d6bb5caf45a/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:18 AM/data/2000/14195400140077a21822bd/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:20 AM/data/2005/193717406442fc7e75a7f28/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2003/145088522400b83f9b7630/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:26 AM/workshops/2006/PacNOG2/track1/day1/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2000/197041745940076efd6dc44/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:20 AM/data/2006/200444587452f31edbfca8/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2000/199548367240076841c5e3c/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:44 AM/workshops/2008/apricot2008/netmanage/presos/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2000/212075259540077494cda78/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2000/32122088643cd367d20787/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:20 AM/data/2006/14443172684481bc69a755f/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:21 AM/data/2009/159187987549664f7ec74bb/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:20 AM/data/2006/1100126063448230c37679d/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:20 AM/data/2006/26704456244820229988fc/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:20 AM/data/2005/61698040142fc26c166072/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:20 AM/data/2006/153397902444822943b7611/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:44 AM/workshops/2005/SANOG-VI/ip-services/day1/nessus/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2003/1116731910400b861fa8dff/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:18 AM/data/2000/1126730645400733f4bb08e/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:20 AM/data/2006/122893330644822488e4519/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:18 AM/data/1999/235749488400b19c61caa0/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2004/1578641832427f0629c7af3/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2004/1024037998427f00bfca20a/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:20 AM/data/2006/115700534482085536a0f/
28 0.07%Jan/ 6/12 3:23 AM/data/2004/94967146944826f907a1e8/tp-unix.pdf
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:20 AM/data/2006/1413450836448206eb0f55d/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:21 AM/planning/files/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:21 AM/data/2008/7959420274924f0c226f6a/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:21 AM/data/2008/210223031149017c960da60/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:18 AM/data/1999/1798148855400b17f43c453/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2004/1905753776427eec71723d2/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:21 AM/data/2007/1838203166477e629427130/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:20 AM/data/2006/21322887384481b0ad1d182/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:20 AM/data/2005/5628739942fc925eb4272/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2003/1390977015427ee99813054/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:21 AM/data/2008/2055638714926ed5e3125d/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:21 AM/data/2008/11017091084924efe613e2f/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2004/179327147040d6f5ad66072/
28 Jan/ 6/12 4:19 AM/data/2003/1628026821427ee6536d5a9/
27 Jan/ 6/12 4:34 AM/workshops/2004/CEDIA/presentaciones/cv/
27 0.01%Jan/ 6/12 3:42 AM/workshops/2005/PACNOG-I/day2/nessus/sample-report/
26 Jan/ 6/12 4:34 AM/workshops/2004/ccTLD-Cameroun/jour4/
26 0.19%Jan/ 6/12 3:33 AM/data/2006/5232033544482348f59f91/bases-ip.pdf
26 Jan/ 6/12 4:11 AM/images/validhtml.gif
26 Jan/ 6/12 4:12 AM/workshops/2007/ccTLD-Guyana/day4/
26 Jan/ 6/12 4:11 AM/images/validcss.gif
25 Jan/ 6/12 4:34 AM/workshops/2004/ccTLD-bkk/day3/
25 Jan/ 6/12 4:31 AM/workshops/2004/ccTLD-bkk/day4/
25 Jan/ 6/12 4:34 AM/workshops/2004/CEDIA/rfc/
25 Jan/ 6/12 4:31 AM/workshops/2004/CEDIA/software/
25 Jan/ 6/12 4:31 AM/workshops/2004/ccTLD-Amsterdam/day1/
25 Jan/ 6/12 4:34 AM/workshops/2004/ccTLD-Amsterdam/day2/
25 Jan/ 6/12 4:34 AM/workshops/2004/ccTLD-Amsterdam/day3/
25 Jan/ 6/12 4:34 AM/workshops/2004/ccTLD-Amsterdam/day4/
25 Jan/ 6/12 4:31 AM/workshops/2004/ccTLD-bkk/info/rfc/
24 Jan/ 6/12 4:46 AM/workshops/2007/linuxchix-ke/po/
24 Jan/ 6/12 4:32 AM/workshops/2005/ccTLD-Dakar/jour3/
24 0.04%Jan/ 6/12 4:26 AM/analog/reports/day/2005/
24 0.06%Jan/ 6/12 4:26 AM/analog/reports/day/2007/
24 Jan/ 6/12 4:34 AM/workshops/2004/ccTLD-bkk/day0/
24 Jan/ 6/12 4:34 AM/workshops/2004/ccTLD-bkk/day1/
24 Jan/ 6/12 4:31 AM/workshops/2004/ccTLD-bkk/day2/
24 0.02%Jan/ 6/12 4:26 AM/analog/images/
24 Jan/ 6/12 4:31 AM/workshops/2004/CEDIA/presentaciones/ha/
24 1.63%Jan/ 6/12 3:22 AM/data/2010/15678359774b67528c8924a/lecture-01-mon-tue-addressing-ios.ppt
24 Jan/ 6/12 4:45 AM/workshops/2004/CEDIA/isos/
24 Jan/ 6/12 4:12 AM/workshops/2007/ccTLD-Guyana/day2/
24 Jan/ 6/12 4:47 AM/workshops/2007/linuxchix-ke/po/freebsd/
24 0.09%Jan/ 6/12 4:47 AM/data/2003/1459699168400b70e3913a7/sec.ppt
23 Jan/ 6/12 4:32 AM/workshops/2005/ccTLD-Dakar/jour4/
23 0.05%Jan/ 6/12 4:27 AM/analog/reports/day/2008/
23 Jan/ 6/12 4:11 AM/images/line_horizontal.gif
23 Jan/ 6/12 4:11 AM/images/line_vertical.gif
22 0.17%Jan/ 6/12 4:27 AM/analog/reports/day/current/
22 0.04%Jan/ 6/12 3:24 AM/data/2007/15875975847d8e9f0bfeca/TCPIP-rall2007.pdf
22 Jan/ 6/12 4:34 AM/workshops/2004/SANOG-IV/ip-services/presentations/dns/
22 Jan/ 6/12 4:34 AM/workshops/2005/ccTLD-Nairobi/day1/
22 Jan/ 6/12 4:11 AM/images/favicon.ico
21 Jan/ 6/12 4:34 AM/workshops/2006/ccTLD-Samoa/day3/
21 Jan/ 6/12 4:32 AM/workshops/2005/ccTLD-Dakar/jour2/
21 0.01%Jan/ 6/12 4:34 AM/analog/reports/week/2008/
21 Jan/ 6/12 4:32 AM/workshops/2004/SANOG-IV/ip-services/software/
21 0.10%Jan/ 6/12 3:23 AM/data/2004/8052015405242fcc05c9/TCP-IP.pdf
21 0.07%Jan/ 6/12 3:22 AM/search/advanced-search.php
21 Jan/ 6/12 4:34 AM/workshops/2005/PACNOG-I/day3/
21 Jan/ 6/12 4:33 AM/workshops/2005/PACNOG-I/day4/
21 Jan/ 6/12 4:34 AM/workshops/2005/PACNOG-I/day5/
21 Jan/ 6/12 4:34 AM/workshops/2005/PACNOG-I/day6/
21 Jan/ 6/12 4:34 AM/workshops/2005/pre-SANOG-VI/ha/
21 Jan/ 6/12 4:34 AM/workshops/2005/ccTLD-Nairobi/day2/
21 0.05%Jan/ 6/12 3:23 AM/data/2005/724152380448276cfb9575/hsrp-tp-fr.pdf
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20 Jan/ 6/12 4:32 AM/workshops/2005/ccTLD-Dakar/jour1/
20 0.01%Jan/ 6/12 4:27 AM/analog/reports/month/current/
20 0.05%Jan/ 6/12 4:26 AM/analog/reports/day/2006/
20 0.02%Jan/ 6/12 4:35 AM/analog/reports/week/current/
20 Jan/ 6/12 4:27 AM/analog/reports/week/2005/
20 0.01%Jan/ 6/12 4:34 AM/analog/reports/week/2006/
20 0.01%Jan/ 6/12 4:33 AM/analog/reports/week/2007/
20 Jan/ 6/12 4:34 AM/workshops/2005/pre-SANOG-VI/packages/
20 Jan/ 6/12 4:26 AM/analog/reports/month/2007/
20 Jan/ 6/12 4:27 AM/analog/reports/month/2008/
20 Jan/ 6/12 4:34 AM/workshops/2005/ccTLD-Dakar/software/
20 Jan/ 6/12 4:34 AM/workshops/2005/ccTLD-Nairobi/day3/
20 Jan/ 6/12 4:33 AM/workshops/2005/ccTLD-Nairobi/day4/
20 Jan/ 6/12 4:26 AM/images/flags/large/bak/
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