[DNS Exxercise 2.2] DNS Worksheet Domain name to test: __________________________________ Query type: "A" 1. Start at any root server dig +norec @k.root-servers.net. _____________________ a 2. Referral: what NS records were returned in the "authority" section? List them here. 3. Repeat your query for every NS record found in step 2. Was the response a referral or a final authoritative answer? List the response here. Did every server respond? ____ Were the responses the same? _____ 4. If step 3 was a referral, repeat again for every NS record found. List the response here. Did every server respond? ____ Were the responses the same? _____ Continue for further referrals if necessary. 5. Checklist: Did all the nameservers give a response? Did they all give either a referral to a subdomain, or an AA (Authoritative Answer)? Were all the answers from each group of nameservers the same? Did each group consist of at least two nameservers on two different networks? For the final set of authoritative servers: did the list of NS records in the Authority Section match the list of nameservers in the referral from above? Were the TTL values reasonable?