# # Esta configuración define las acciones iniciales del agente # En este caso, copiamos todo el repositorio desde el servidor hasta cada cliente # (Este archivo nunca se cambia y garantiza que siempre tendremos un agente funcionando # y copiando el último repositorio) # control: any:: domain = ( track4.ula.ve ) actionsequence = ( copy tidy processes ) # Which host/dir is master for configuration roll-outs policyhost = ( server.track4.ula.ve ) cfmaster = ( /var/lib/cfengine2/master/cfengine ) cfworkdir = ( /var/lib/cfengine2 ) SplayTime = ( 1 ) AddInstallable = ( new_cfenvd new_cfservd new_cfexecd failed1 broken ) copy: any:: $(cfmaster) dest=$(cfworkdir) r=inf mode=o-rw type=checksum server=$(policyhost) trustkey=true exclude=*~ exclude=#* ignore=.svn typecheck=false forceipv4=true tidy: $(cfworkdir)/outputs pattern=* age=14 processes: # Make sure that cfservd is always running. It tends to die often on RedHat systems # Notice that the restart won't happen unless the process is dead any:: "cfservd" restart "/usr/sbin/cfservd"