Installation of Request Tracker 3.6 on Ubuntu Server 8.10 Network Management workshop APRICOT 2009 Manila, Philippines Introduction ------------ When you finish with these instructions you will have a copy of Request Tracker version 3.6 running with a MySQL database backend, Apache 2 web server and the Request Tracker FAQ Manager module on Ubuntu Server 8.10. Some items may already be installed on your system. Don't worry as attempting to install again will not harm anything. Install Request Tracker ----------------------- Open a terminal window and use "su" to become root: $ su - Now run the following commands # apt-get install rt3.6-apache2 # apt-get install request-tracker3.6 rt3.6-clients apache2-doc postfix mysql-server lynx \ libdbd-pg-perl When prompted for the type of mailserver in most cases Internet Site is the right choice. # apt-get install libapache-dbi-perl # cp /etc/request-tracker3.6/ \ /etc/request-tracker3.6/ Edit the file (use your favorite editor) # vi /etc/request-tracker3.6/ Compare the lines in the file with what is shown below. Note, you must remove any leading '#'s" on a line to uncomment the line. Make the changes that are suggested. A number of these items will likely already be correctly set. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Set($DatabaseType, $typemap{mysql} || "UNKNOWN"); Set($DatabaseUser , 'root'); Set($DatabasePassword , 'YOUR_ROOT_PASSWORD'); Set ($DatabaseName, '/rtdb') if "mysql" eq "sqlite3"; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Save the file and exit. Now do the following: # rt-setup-database-3.6 --action init --dba root --dba-password YOUR_ROOT_PASSWORD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASIDE: if you cannot do this because your root password is incorrect, then do the following: # /etc/init.d/mysql stop # mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables & # mysql --user=root mysql mysql> update user set Password=PASSWORD('new-password') where user='root'; mysql> flush privileges; mysql> exit; # killall mysqld_safe # /etc/init.d/mysql start ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # cd /etc/apache2/sites-available/ Edit the file "default" with your favorite editor: # vi default In the file add the line: Include "/etc/request-tracker3.6/apache2-modperl2.conf" Just before the directive near the end of the file works fine. Now save and exit from the file. Now we need to verify that two Apache modules are enabled. # a2enmod perl # a2enmod rewrite Now let's get our Request Tracker FAQ Manager module for Request Tracker # apt-get install rt3.6-rtfm Choose "Allow" when asked for "Permission to modify the Request Tracker database:" Let's restart Apache to be sure that all our changes are noted. # /etc/init.d/apache2 restart Now, in a web browser go to: http://localhost/rt Log in as userid "root" with password of "password". change the root password and start using Request Tracker. ------------------------------ Last Update 22 September 2009 by HA