Welcome to the Internet Society (ISOC) Workshop Resource Center. On this web site you can:
  • Upload and download teaching materials for network technology workshops
  • Find tools and checklists to plan educational programs
  • Search for potential workshop instructors
  • Review archived presentations and teaching materials from various events around the world
  • Participate in on-line planning discussions for upcoming events
  • Obtain peer review for your lab exercises and curriculum
  • Locate sources for lab equipment and technical books
  • And find other related services

Qualys, Inc. Thank you to our Sponsors! Public Internet Registry
\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
\n"; show_calendar(ISOC); echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; if(!empty($index_error_array['search'])) { echo "\n"; echo "" .$index_error_array['search']. "
\n"; echo "
\n"; } if(!empty($index_formvalues_array['search'])) { echo "\n"; echo "  by event name\n"; } else { echo "\n"; echo "  by event name\n"; } echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; //echo "week | day | year\n"; echo " \n"; echo "\n"; echo "
\n"; // // Search for workshops/events // if((!empty($index_formvalues_array['search'])) and ($index_error_array['count'] == 0)) { $search_string = $index_formvalues_array['search']; $query_event = "select * from workshop where locate(lcase('" .$search_string. "'),lcase(" .title. ")) order by year desc"; $query_event = stripslashes($query_event); $result_event = safe_query($query_event); ?>
Search Results: \n"; echo "function openworkshopinfo" .$i. "(){\n"; echo "var popurl=\"/helpfiles/workshop_info_main.php?id=" .$row_event['id']. "\"\n"; echo "winpops=window.open(popurl,\"\",\"width=750,height=540,scrollbars,\")\n"; echo "}\n"; echo "\n"; // // add begin table here // // // This is how you would call the javascript code for this particular link if you were to use it. // // echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; // // put end table here // // // Now put in check for materials and author and add sub-tables here. // } // end while loop // if 0 nothing found if($i == 0) { echo "\n"; echo "
Event Name Date Location
" .$row_name_nw['title']. "" .stripslashes($row_event['title'])." " .$row_event['month']. ", " .$row_event['year']. "" .$row_event['city']. ", " .country_lookup($row_event['country']). "
\n"; echo "Nothing found for \"" .$search_string. "\".\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
\n"; } else { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } } // end if search is not empty and no errors // // end event search // echo "\n"; ?>
What's new:
\n"; echo "Latest workshop: '" .$latest_ws. "'
\n"; echo "
\n"; // Find the last material set entered and display and link to this. $querynewmat = "select * from materials order by creation_date desc"; $querynewmat = stripslashes($querynewmat); $resultnewmat = safe_query($querynewmat); $rownewmat = mysql_fetch_array($resultnewmat); $latest_mat = stripslashes($rownewmat["title"]); echo "\n"; echo "Latest materials: '" .$latest_mat. "'
\n"; echo "
\n"; ?>
What's Available:
\n"; echo "Total workshops: " .$num_workshops. "
\n"; echo "
\n"; // Figure out how many materials (files) we have in our database and show this. You // could consider showing sets of materials vs. files as well. $query_mi = "select count(*) from materials_item"; $query_mi = stripslashes($query_mi); $result_mi = safe_query($query_mi); $row_mi = mysql_fetch_array($result_mi); $num_materials = $row_mi['count(*)']; echo "\n"; echo "Items to download: " .$num_materials. "
\n"; echo "
\n"; ?>

Hosting and development by the University of Oregon and the Network Startup Resource Center. and // statements or you may get some interesting side affects // dependent on your web server and subsequent page order. } // end function main_page ?> '', 'referrer' => $header_referrer, 'logout_referrer' => $logout_referrer, 3); } elseif ((isset($CLmISOC)) and (!isset($CLyISOC))) { $header_referrer = "?referrer=/index.php&CLmISOC=" .$CLmISOC; $logout_referrer = "?logout=TRUE&CLmISOC=" .$CLmISOC; $logout_redirect = "?CLmISOC=" .$CLmISOC; $index_formvalues_array = array('search' => '', 'referrer' => $header_referrer, 'logout_referrer' => $logout_referrer, 3); } elseif ((!isset($CLmISOC)) and (isset($CLyISOC))) { $header_referrer = "?referrer=/index.php&CLyISOC=" .$CLyISOC; $logout_referrer = "?logout=TRUE&CLyISOC=" .$CLyISOC; $logout_redirect = "?CLyISOC=" .$CLyISOC; $index_formvalues_array = array('search' => '', 'referrer' => $header_referrer, 'logout_referrer' => $logout_referrer, 3); } else { $logout_redirect = ""; $index_formvalues_array = array('search' => '', 'referrer' => "/index.php", 'logout_referrer' => "?logout=TRUE", 3); } if ($logout == 'TRUE') { session_destroy(); header("Location: /index.php" .$logout_redirect); } elseif($SUBMIT == 'Search') { $index_formvalues_array = array('search' => $HTTP_POST_VARS["search"], 'referrer' => $index_formvalues_array['referrer'], 'logout_referrer' => $index_formvalues_array['logout_referrer'], 2); $index_error_array = array('count' => '', 'search' => '', 2); // For now local error checking... Could put this in an include file, but it's short. if(empty($index_formvalues_array['search'])) { $index_error_array['count'] = $index_error_array['count'] + 1; $index_error_array['search'] = "Error: search field is empty.\n"; } elseif(!preg_match("/[A-z0-9_\-\!\@\.]/", $index_formvalues_array['search'])) { $index_error_array['count'] = $index_error_array['count'] + 1; $index_error_array['search'] = "Error: the search string \"" .$index_formvalues_array['search']. "\" does not appear to contain any valid characters.\n"; } main_page($index_formvalues_array, $index_error_array); } else { main_page($index_formvalues_array, ''); } ?>