Exercises Part 2: SANOG IV: IP Services Workshop

July 2004

Some Sample Configuration Items you Could Do

First log in using the graphical interface.

Press, "alt-ctrl-F2" - This give you a text terminal. You are still running at init level 5.

Login as "root"

Type "init 3"

Now, if you wanted to you could set your PCs up (manually) to have a static IP address. We'll also go over another way to change your default keyboard settings.

Below is a sample static IP. You should adjust these numbers based on your classroom's network. Your instructor will give you this information if needed.

To create a static IP address do:

cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
vi ifcfg-eth0
In this file we're going to specify data for your eth0 network device. We'll turn off the use of DHCO for this device as well:


Where it says "xx" use your machine's address.

If you want to change your keyboard to work in terminals do the following:

vi /etc/sysconfig/keyboard
In this file change the line that reads 'KEYTABLE="us"' to 'KEYTABLE="uk"' - Save the file (:wq), and, next:
service keytable on
Now you would have an UK english keyboard.

1.) Partitions

First login as your user:

Now, in a terminal/shell let's look at the partitions. Type:

df -h
What difference did you see between "df" and "df -h". And, where do you see how much swap you have?
cat /etc/swaps
top ("q" to exit)
You might imagine that the "top" command uses the interface to /proc/swaps for some of the information it displays. We'll talk about /proc a bit later.

If you wish to see the stat of your partitions there are two graphical tools for this. First, like vi, the most common tool, but a bit difficult to use is "fdisk" - To use this type:

sudo fdisk
To view your partition table press "p".

The fdisk, and soon cfdisk, are privileged commands. They must be run as root. If you have cfdisk installed it's a bit easier to use.

2.) Mounting filesystems

First see what you have in /etc/fstab (and, why do we use "cat" and not "more" or "less"?).

cat /etc/fstab
Now, spend some time reading about what's in this file:
man fstab
man mount
man fs
Now we'll use the power of Linux to create a file system and to mount it as we wish. First we are going to create an ISO image (ISO9660 that can be burnt to a compact disc). Just to note, this is a contrived exercise. We are using the commadn "mkisofs" for this. If you read "man mkisofs" you'll see it's quite involved:
cd /usr/src
mkisofs -o /tmp/kernel-2.6.5-1.358.iso -v -l -L -allow-lowercase linux-2.6.5-1.358
The command will take a bit to finish. When it's done we are going to create a place where we can mount the newly created filesystem and view it:
sudo mkdir /mnt/kernel
ls /mnt/kernel (should be nothing)
mount -o loop /tmp/kernel-2.6.5-1.358.iso /mnt/kernel
Now go to /mnt/kernel and see what's there. All the files and directories that exist (and are still there) in /usr/src/linux-2.6.5-1.358 are visible, but they are under /mnt/kernel, but they are really in the file /tmp/kernel-, that really represents an ISO9660 filesystem which is the standard for compact discs... It's a pretty neat trick.

What happens if you always want the files in /tmp/kernel-2.6.5-1.358 to be available? This is a common trick. For instance, if you have multiple CD images (like Fedora Core 2 with 4 CDs) that you want visible to an FTP server you can simply mount them to an FTP directory or directories for quick access...

Now to make it so that this file system is always available you have to place an entry for it in the /etc/fstab file that describe how to moun the file /tmp/kernel-2.6.5-1.358 every time your machine start. The format of /etc/fstab looks a bit complicated, but there is a trick. Look at the entries in /etc/mtab... Here you'll find the format you need for /etc/fstab. So, do this:

cat /etc/mtab
And, copy the texto:
/tmp/kernel-2.6.5-1.358.iso /mnt/kernel iso9660 rw,loop=/dev/loop0 0 0
and place it at the end of the file /etc/fstab. Don't place it at the top as it's necessary to have the partitions that have your mount point (/mnt/kernel) mounted before you try to mount your ISO image file.

If you want to make sure that the format is correct in /etc/fstat run the command:

mount -a
Which mounts everything in /etc/fstab and verifies the format as well. Use the command "df" or "df -h" to see how your partition appears to your system.

3.) Permissions and files*

*Reference: Shah, Steve, "Linux Administration: A Beginner's Guide", 2nd. ed., Osborne press, New York, NY.

If you look at files in a directory using "ls -al" you will see the permissions that each file and directory has. Here's an example:

drwxrwxr-x    3 hervey   hervey       4096 Feb 25 09:49 directory
-rwxr--r--   12 hervey   hervey       4096 Feb 16 05:02 file2

The column on the left is what is important. You can imagine it like this:

Type User    Group World links  owner  group  size   date   hour  name
d    rwx     rwx   r-x   3      hervey hervey 4096   Feb 25 09:49 directory
-    rwx     r     r     12     hervey hervey 4096   Feb 16 05:02 file2

Thus, the directory has access r (read), w (write), and x (eXecute) for the user, group, and for the world it has read (r) and execute (x). The file "file2" has a bit less access with only read (r) permitted for the world (all users on the system) and read for the group "hervey" as well.

To change permissionsn you use the "chmod" command. chmod uses an octal (base 8) system to configure permissions, or you can use a different form specifying one column of permissions at a time:

Permissions have values like this:

Letter  Permission   Value

R       Read         4
W       Write        2
X       Execute      1

Thus, you can give permission to a file using the sum of the columns for each type of permission you wish to give. Here's an example:

Lettter Permission                   Value

---     None                         0
r--     Read only                    4
rw-     Read and write               6
rwx     Read, write, and   execute   7
r-x     Read and execute             5
--x     Execute                      1

This is one column. Thus, to give all the combinations you need a table like this:

Permission   Numeric      Description

-rw-------   600          owner has read and write permission.
-rw-r--r--   644          owner has read and write permission 
                          group and world have read permission
-rw-rw-rw-   666          everyone (owner, group, world) have
                          read and write permission (dangerous).
-rwx------   700          owner has read, write, and execute permission.
-rwxr-xr-x   755          owner has reasd, write, and execute permission.
                          rest of the world has read and execute permission.
                          (typical for web pages, or 644).
-rwxrwxrwx   777          everyone has full access (read, write, execute).
-rwx--x--x   711          owner has read, write, and execute permission.
                          group and world have execute permission.
drwx------   700          only the owner has access to this directory and
                          all directories require an "x" be present.
drwxr-xr-x   755          ownerhas all access to the directory. everyone else
                          can see contents of the directory.
drwx--x--x   711          everyone can read the files in the directory, but 
                          you have to know the names because it's not readable.

Now let's practice with permissions. As a normal user do:

cd (what does the "cd" command by itself do?)
echo "test file" > read.txt
chmod 444 read.txt
In spite of the fact that the file has no write permission for the owner, the owner can still change the permissions on the file.
chmod 744 read.txt
Or, you can do this using this form of chmod:
chmod u+w read.txt
The forms of chmod to add permissions, if you don't use numbers are:

chmod u+r, chmod u+w, chmod u+x
chmod g+r, chmod g+w, chmod g+x
chmod a+r, chmod a+w, chmod a+x

Note that "a+4 is for the world. The "a" is for "all".

Now change the file so that the owner cannot read it, but they can write to the file:

chmod u-r read.txt
Or, you can do something like this:
chmod 344 read.txt
You've probably noticed that you can use the "-" to remove permissions as well.

Finally, the concept that when you execute a file, normally, it executes with the permissions of the person who runs the command. For example, if the user "angela" types "netstat", the program "netstat" runs with their privileges. But, if you need that netstat always runs with permissions of the owner of the file, or of the group that the file belongs to, then you can configure the "SetUID" (SUID) or the "SetGID" (SGID) bits. One does this with the "chmod" command. And, careful with this as it can be a bad idea from a security viewpoint.

To do this add a "4" to the chmod octal setting to set the SUID bit, and a "2" to set the SGID bit.

For example you could do:

chmod 4755 /bin/netstat
Naturally you would have to be root to do this, or use the "sudo" command.

And, to set the SGID it would be:

chmod 2755 /bin/netstat
After you do the command "sudo chmod 4755 /bin/netstat" the file permissions look like this:

-rwsr-xr-x    1 root     root        85240 Feb 11  2003 /bin/netstat

Note the "s" in the owner column.

And, after the command "sudo chmod 2755 /bin/nestat" looks like this.

-rwxr-sr-x    1 root     root        85240 Feb 11  2003 /bin/netstat

Note the "s" in the group column.

4.) Using /etc/hosts

If you look in the file /etc/hosts (cat /etc/hosts) you will that the name "localhost" and "localhost.localdomain" are connected to the IP address This is a standard convention for IP networks. In our classroom we have a server with an IP address (to be given in clasee), but we don't have a name for it (yet). Thus, in order to access this box (for example, to get an RPM using ftp) you have to type the machine's IP address each time. We can use the /etc/hosts file to make our lives a bit easier during the week. We'll just name our server "noc" for (Network Operations Center). So, in our /etc/hosts file is you add a line that reads like this:

nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn     noc     noc
("nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn" is the IP address of our server). Note that it's not necessary, in this case, to include the full domain name. So, now instead of typing something like:
to see the server in the classroom you can just type:
lynx noc

5.) Modules

This is short, but it's good to know. You can manipulate modules that support hardware that are loaded in memory. For example, to see what's loaded do:

And, if you wish to eliminate a module from memory you use "rmmod". If you are experimenting with modules and a new piece of hardware you can use the "insmod" command as well.

First look in the file /etc/modprobe.conf, and after read about this file (man modprobe.conf).

Fedora Core 2 has an updated modules system that comes with kernel version 2.6. For instance, module definitions now reside in /etc/modprobe.conf instead of /etc/modules.conf.


Hervey Allen
July 2004