NTP Exercise ------------ 1. Set the clock on the machine using "ntpdate" as root: # ntpdate ntp.kenic.or.ke [debugging output] # 2. Create /etc/ntp.conf server ntp.kenic.or.ke server clock.isc.org server no.pool.ntp.org server no.pool.ntp.org server no.pool.ntp.org Look at to find other time sources that might be close by. 3. Start ntpd # /usr/sbin/ntpd # 4. Edit /etc/rc.conf to make ntpd start the next time the machine boots. Add the line: ntpd_enable="YES" 5. Verify that the NTP daemon is running, and see what progress is being made in synchronising clocks: $ ntpdc ntpdc> peer remote local st poll reach delay offset disp ======================================================================= =142.80-203-145. 3 64 1 0.55188 0.007889 7.93750 = 1 64 1 0.01665 -0.001604 7.93848 =clock.isc.org 2 64 1 0.66418 -0.023987 7.93750 =i167134.dsl.tju 2 64 1 1.03885 -0.246614 7.93750 =fartein.ifi.uio 2 64 1 0.53909 0.005661 7.93774 ntpdc> exit $