Pre-SANOG VI Network Workshop Final Exam

Please answer each question below. If you have any questions feel free to ask one of your instructors.

Each question is worth 10 points. Good luck!

Your Name: ___________________________________________

1.) What are the lowest and highest IP addresses usable for PCs from the prefix

    Lowest  [_ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _]

    Highest [_ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _]

2.) What file should you edit in order to enable a service under FreeBSD?

    [ ] /etc/namedb/named.conf
    [ ] /etc/motd
    [ ] /etc/defaults/rc.conf
    [ ] /etc/rc.conf

3.) Which one of these commands can you use to view running processes
    on your server?

    [ ] man
    [ ] kill
    [ ] ls
    [ ] ps

4.) What are the advantages of using SSH with private keys to connect to
    other machines instead of using passwords?

    [ ] You no longer have to use passwords to connect.
    [ ] One passphrase can be used to connect to multiple machines.
    [ ] You don't have to worry about changing passwords on multiple machines.
    [ ] All of the above.

5.) What command would you give to restart the SSH server (daemon) on a 
    FreeBSD server machine?


6.) Why would you consider installing SSL support for a web server?

    [ ] Because it uses less CPU power.
    [ ] Because it can keep username and passwords from being sniffed.
    [ ] Because it gives you a cool new logo on your home page.
    [ ] Because it uses more CPU power.

7) One of these is not a valid DNS resource record. Check the invalid
   resource record.

    [ ] CNAME
    [ ] SOA
    [ ] VAL
    [ ] MX
    [ ] PTR
    [ ] A

8.) How many MTA's can you have running on one server?

    [ ] One
    [ ] Two
    [ ] As many as you want

9.) Name one advantage of using maildirs instead of mbox.


10.) On what port does SMTP run? Check one.

     [ ] 110  
     [ ] 443  
     [ ] 25  
     [ ] 995

January 15, 2005
Thimphu, Bhutan