Installation and Configuration of Trac APRICOT 2008, Taipei, Taiwan February, 2008 These instructions are based upon a guide created by Luis Soares, but with considerable changes. The original guide is available here: This installation allows for the following: Multiple trac projects on a single box. Authentication via trac and not the web server. Administration of trac users via a web interface. Write-protection of your trac project from anonymous users (i.e. avoid spammer defacing of your site). Ability to add-on Subversion version control to future trac projects. Use of the Aztec planning calendar plug-in. Let's now do the installation of the trac system. For trac to work we will require python and a number of other packages. Then we'll have to create a trac environment for each repository we want trac to serve. Your instructor will describe what you are doing in more detail in class. This guide is available as text at: http://noc/workshop/presos/trac/install-trac.txt $ sudo apt-get install trac libapache2-svn libapache2-mod-python libapache2-mod-python-doc python-setuptools $ sudo mkdir /var/lib/trac $ sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/lib/trac $ sudo ln -s /var/lib/trac/ /trac Now to add your trac site as a virtual site in Apache: $ sudo vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/trac In this file add the following: SetHandler mod_python PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend PythonOption TracEnvParentDir /var/lib/trac PythonOption TracEnv /trac/apricot continues ==> PythonOption TracUriRoot /trac/apricot SetEnv PYTHON_EGG_CACHE /trac/apricot/python-eggs Now we enable the new virtual site: $ sudo a2ensite trac $ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload Next, we must initialize the trac project using the trac-admin facility. You will be asked several questions with lots of explanatory text. Here are the answers for each prompt you will see. If it says “[ENTER]”, then just press ENTER and continue: $ sudo trac-admin /trac/apricot initenv Project Name [My Project]> WHATEVER YOU WANT Database connection string [sqlite:db/trac.db]> [ENTER] Repository type [svn]> [ENTER] Path to repository [/path/to/repos]> [ENTER] Templates directory [/usr/share/trac/templates]> [ENTER] Now you will see quite a bit of text on your screen detailing items as your new trac project is created. Once this is done we have several more things to do to fix permissions again and enable the changes: $ sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/lib/trac $ sudo apache2ctl restart Now to install some customization features for trac in the form of trac plug-ins: $ sudo easy_install $ sudo easy_install $ sudo easy_install Now we must edit the main trac configuration file with a number of items. For this we recommend that you view the file in a web browser at http://noc/worksop/presos/trac/trac.ini while completing this section. trac.ini Below are the items you need to add or change in your default trac.ini file. To edit this file do: $ sudo vi /trac/apricot/conf/trac.ini The first 2 items (account-manager and components) can go at the top of the file starting on line 3: [account-manager] password_file = /trac/apricot/.htpasswd password_format = htpasswd password_store = HtPasswdStore [components] acct_mgr.* = enabled acct_mgr.admin.accountmanageradminpage = enabled acct_mgr.api.accountmanager = enabled acct_mgr.db.sessionstore = enabled acct_mgr.htfile.htpasswdstore = enabled acct_mgr.web_ui.accountmodule = enabled acct_mgr.web_ui.loginmodule = enabled acct_mgr.web_ui.registrationmodule = enabled trac.web.auth.loginmodule = disabled webadmin.* = enabled azcalendar.* = enabled The following three sections (header_logo, notification, project) replace what is in your trac.ini file. You can find the file “apricot-2008.jpg” here: http://noc/workshop/presos/trac/site/apricot-2008.jpg [header_logo] alt = APRICOT 2008 Net Mgmnt Workshop height = 143 link = src = site/apricot-2008.jpg width = 269 [notification] always_notify_owner = true always_notify_reporter = false always_notify_updater = true mime_encoding = base64 smtp_always_bcc = admin@localhost smtp_always_cc = smtp_default_domain = smtp_enabled = true smtp_from = apricot2008localhost smtp_password = smtp_port = 25 smtp_replyto = apricot2008localhost smtp_server = localhost smtp_subject_prefix = __default__ smtp_user = use_public_cc = false use_short_addr = false use_tls = false [project] descr = APRICOT 2008 Network Management Workshop footer = APRICOT 2008, Taipei, Taiwan
admin@localhost icon = common/favicon.ico name = APRICOT 2008, Taiwan url = Note: Some items are not strictly necessary, and a couple will not work as we are currently configured, but won't cause problems either. The file apricot-2008.jpg file in http://noc/workshop/presos/trac/site/apricot-2008.jpg. This goes in /trac/apricot/htdocs on your machine. Once all this is done you have just a few more steps. First we must configure the trac user environment. We'll set up a user called “apricot” that is an authenticated user, and a user called “admin” that will be a trac-admin user. Finally, all other users who view the project will be anonymous users. We will restrict their view of the project to be read-only. To do all this do (using cut and paste from your web browser would be a good idea below): $ sudo trac-admin /trac/apricot permission remove anonymous CAL_ADMIN CAL_EDIT CONFIG_VIEW MILESTONE_VIEW REPORT_SQL_VIEW REPORT_VIEW ROADMAP_VIEW SEARCH_VIEW TICKET_CREATE TICKET_MODIFY WIKI_CREATE WIKI_MODIFY WIKI_DELETE $ sudo trac-admin /trac/apricot permission add authenticated CAL_ADMIN CAL_EDIT MILESTONE_MODIFY MILESTONE_VIEW REPORT_ADMIN REPORT_CREATE REPORT_MODIFY TICKET_APPEND TICKET_CREATE TICKET_MODIFY TICKET_VIEW WIKI_CREATE WIKI_MODIFY WIKI_VIEW $ sudo trac-admin /trac/apricot permission add apricot authenticated $ sudo trac-admin /trac/apricot permission add admin TRAC_ADMIN Now we need to be sure that Apache has access to all the trac files using the user/group of www-data: $ sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /trac/* $ sudo apache2ctl restart Last, but not least, you must actually create the users “admin” and “apricot” and give them passwords: $ sudo htpasswd -c /trac/apricot/.htpasswd admin [use any password] $ sudo htpasswd /trac/apricot/.htpasswd apricot [use workshop password] $ sudo trac-admin /trac/apricot upgrade At this point you are done setting up trac. You can now look at the result of your work by going to: http://localhost/trac/apricot By default you are seeing your trac project as an anonymous user. You can log in as “apricot” to see how things look as an authenticated user and then as “admin” to see things as a trac-admin user.