
[ Unix Bootcamp | InitialDiscussion ]

UNIX Basics:
    - Brief  run through of what happens when you turn on a (FreeBSD) machine.
    - Brief recap of filesystem heirachy
         o concept of no drives; just (u)mount
         o relative and absolute paths
     - The shell
         o moving around the filesystem
          o $PATH and rehash
          o redirecting stdin and stdout
          o pipes
      - File permissions
      - Text Editors
          o vi editor (reason for using it, basic insertion, deletion of text)
          o ee editor (quick alternative, not always available and not as powerful)
  Network Basics:
      - OSI & TCP/IP layers (_brief_ overview)
      - Node Addressing
          o At layer 2 (basic look at mac addresses and switching)
          o At layer 3 (basic look at IP addresses and static routing with default gateways)
          o How the two work together (packet routing exercise?)
      - Managing routers/switches
          o Setting up a console session
          o ssh and/or telnet
          o editing an offline copy of the conf and dumping it back on the device 
           (we may not get this far)

Hervey's comments about this outline

From what I saw in E0 and heard feedback on there are three things at a core level that hold back our students:

  1. Understanding how a command works.
  2. The concept of moving around in the file system.
  3. Editing files.

With that in mind I see this broken out as:

UNIX Basics:
     - Brief  run through of what happens when you turn on a (FreeBSD) machine.
     - Brief recap of filesystem heirachy
         o concept of no drives; just (u)mount
         o relative and absolute paths
     - The shell
         o moving around the filesystem
         o $PATH and rehash
     - Commands
         o parameters and options

Then, practice, practice, practice... First practice with some basic commands, then practice moving around the file system, then practice using both concepts together, then practice some more and some more and some more...

And, then, maybe add in some more details like:

        o redirecting stdin and stdout
        o pipes
    - File permissions

Some more practice and then on to:

    - File permissions
    - Text Editors
       o vi editor (reason for using it, basic insertion, deletion of  text)
       o ee editor (quick alternative, not always available and not as powerful)

And, now we practice and practice.

I think we have a full day right here. Day 2 could follow with:

   Network Basics:
    - OSI & TCP/IP layers (_brief_ overview)
    - Node Addressing
        o At layer 2 (basic look at mac addresses and switching)
        o At layer 3 (basic look at IP addresses and static routing with default gateways)
        o How the two work together (packet routing exercise?)
    - Managing routers/switches
        o Setting up a console session
        o ssh and/or telnet
        o editing an offline copy of the conf and dumping it back on the device 
          (we may not get this far) 

Or, we may wish to spend more time on what we are planning for day 1. That would be my personal preference.

Last modified 49 years ago Last modified on 12/31/69 16:00:00