Summary Outline for pre-SANOG VI Network Training Workshop
Thimpu, Bhutan
Jan. 10-15, 2005

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pre-SANOG VI Workshop Outline - Detailed
Dates: January 10 to 15, 2005
Location: The Royal Institute of Management, Thimpu, Bhutan
Organizers: Bhutan Telecom Ltd           
            NSRC (Network Startup Resource Center)
Primary Instructors:   Hervey Allen (HA), Network Startup Resource Center                       
                       Brian Candler (BC), Volunteer, Network Startup Resource Center                   
Daily Time Schedule


Lunch from 13:00 to 14:00


Monday: Day 1, January 10
Morning (HA/BC)

* Welcome to the workshop and Introductions
* Workshop setup, including accounts, machines, and schedules
* Why we are using FreeBSD
* Introduction to FreeBSD
* Presentation covering basic FreeBSD structure and concepts
    - Command line (shell) vs. GUI under FreeBSD
    - Configuration done with files vs. Registry
    - FreeBSD vs. Windows/Linux partitioning
    - How FreeBSD boots
    - Where files reside
    - Admin and user accounts
    - Basics of permissions
    - Basics of commands
    - Software installation (packages vs. ports vs. source)
* Hands-on Installation of FreeBSD version 5.3
    - Installation from CD-ROM
    - Disk partitioning
    - Install Kernel Developer (Binaries, docs, kernel sources)
    - Configure network
    - Configure timezone
    - First time boot
    - /stand/sysinstall

Afternoon (HA)

* FreeBSD Exercises
    - Initial login
    - Additional package installs with pkg_add and /stand/sysinstall
    - Account creation
    - Account maintenance using pw    
    - General job control (ctrl-c, ctrl-z, bg)
    - Basic file editing with vi
    - Using vipw to edit user entry
    - Getting help (man, docs and HandBook)
    - Practice with basis filesystem commands
    - Installation of software using ports
    - Review of the /etc/rc.conf and /usr/local/etc/rc.conf files
    - How to see what is running using ps and top
    - How to start a process
    - How to stop a process using kill
* Additional FreeBSD topics and excercises if there is time:
    - FreeBSD shell/environmental variables
    - Viewing, mounting, and unmounting filesystems
    - Virtual memory using vmstat
    - Shell scripts
    - Use of pipes for more complex commands
    - Userid (uid), Groupid (gid), permissions and passwords
* Discuss cvs and cvsup
    - Finish by starting a cvsup of the ports collection 
Tuesday: Day 2, January 11
Morning (BC)

* IP Internetworking 1
    - Overview of OSI 7 layer model
    - Focus on using OSI model to test networks.
    - Overview of IP datagram
    - Simple IP number allocation
    - Prefixes
    - Exercises:
         + ifconfig
         + ping
         + traceroute
         + telnet
* IP Internetworking 2
    - Summary of common ethernet lay 1 types
    - ethernet MAC layer
    - IP encapsulation and ARP
    - Building a network using hubs, switches, and routers
    - Exercise
         + Demonstrate ARP with ping and tcpdump

Afternoon (HA/BC)

* Security Summary Presentation
     - Summarize major security issues.
     - Issues with passwords.
     - IP-based authentication
     - Bash host-based access controls
     - libwrap
     - Demo of security issues (Nessus)
     - Exercises
          + Initial attempt to lock down student server boxes
          + Strong password checking
          + Use of nmap
          + Use of logs
          + Rsync for data backup
* General Cryptography Presentation
     - Cryptographic methods
     - Ciphers
     - md5 (hashes)
     - Public/private keys
     - ssh, ssl, pgp
* SSH Presentation
     - Host keys
     - Public/private key pairs
     - Date is encrypted
     - Tunnels
     - Exercises
          + Generate public/private key pairs
          + Exchange host keys
          + Copy public key and connect to other server with private key passphrase

Wednesday: Day 3, January 12
Morning (HA)

* Discuss SSL and Apache
* Install the Apache web server with SSL support
     - Discuss issues with local vs. signed certificates
     - Install Apache with SSL using mod_ssl
     - Configure Apache to start at boot
     - Verify Apache and SSL are working using openssl s_client
     - Change DocumentRoot for Apache

Afternoon (BC)

(Note: DNS may start last hour of morning session)

* DNS Session 1
     - Goal: to understand overall purpse and structure of DNS
     - IP addresses vs. names
     - DNS as a distributed, hierarchical database
     - Domain names and resource records:
          + A, PTR, MX, CNAME, TXT, SOA/NS
     - Domain name lookup responses
     - Reverse DNS
     - DNS as client-server model
          + Resolver
          + Cache
          + Authoritative server
     - Testing DNS (dig)
     - Exercises:
          + Configure Unix resolver
          + Use dig
               - A
               - other (e.g. MX)
               - non-existent answer
               - reverse lokup
          + use tcpdump to show queries being sent to cache

* DNS Session 2
      - Goal: to understand operation of a recursive nameserver
      - Recap of previous session
      - DNS as a distributed database.
      - Resource record NS: referral of answer
      - Caching nameserver and root servers
      - Caching used to reduce load (esp. tol level servers)
      - Issue of stale data in caches.
           + TTL records on each record
           + Negative TTL in SOA
      - Recursion and caching (dig +norec)
      - Example:
      - Practical:
           + Students work on their own examples
      - Configuring a caching nameserver (may go in to next day)
           + check /etc/named.conf
           + run tcpdump
           + ndc start
           + change /etc/resolv.conf to point to your nameserver
           + queries twice - Look at 'aa' flag, TTL, query time
           + ndc flush
           + cache is authoritative for
      - Summary and Question and Answer session
* Patch/Secure Windows Installation  
    - Go through step-by-step what is required to patch a
      Windows 2000 Server and a Windows XP Server
    - Discuss Windows firewall features
    - Discuss Windows client-side necessary measures
* Configure X and KDE for FreeBSD
    - Install KDE lite
    - Start KDE using .xinitrc configuration
    - Discuss Xorg 
    - Note xorg.conf
    - Discuss why not to use X/KDE on a server

Thursday: Day 4, January 13
Morning (BC/HA)

* Summary of Mail Materials
* Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Introduction
    - MTA, POP, IMAP and Web email servers.
* Exim Introduction
    - Introduction to Internet Mail
        + Mail agents - MUA and MTA
        + Message format
        + Authentication
        + SMTP - Message in transit
        + Use of DNS for email
        + Delivering a message
        + Relay control
        + Policy control on email

* Installation of Exim and basic tests
* Exim cont.
    - Exim Routers and Transports configuration
        + Configuration file
        + Changing runtime configuraiton
        + Configuration file sections
        + Default configuration file layout
        + Common global options
        + Exim 4 routing
        + Simple routing configuration
        + Default routers
        + Default transports
        + Routing to smarthosts
        + Virtual domains
        + Access control lists
        + Good and bad relaying
        + Message filtering
        + Large installations
        + Separating mail functions
    - Modify routing practical exercises
* User support and Help Desk
    - Issues when supporting users
    - Scalability
    - What issues are faced in Bhutan?
    - Possible solutions
    - Resources


* Break - No class

Friday: Day 5, January 14
Morning (BC)

* Exim
    - Reconfigure Exim for Maildir delivery
* Scaling Issues
* FreeBSD Mailserver Tuning
    - Maildir
    - Linear password files
    - Linear mbox files
    - Too many files in one directory
    - CPU limits
    - Disk performance
    - Keep your SMTP (smarthost) and POP3 services separate
    - Maildir and qmail-pop3d practical exercises
* POP/IMAP (Courier)
    - Ensure that MTA is working.    
    - Install Courier IMAP    
    - Configure daemons    
    - Configure for use with ssl    
    - Create user accounts on machines.    
    - Test pop/imap over ssl from neighboring machines.  

Afternoon (HA/BC)

* Webmail (SqWebMail)
    - Install SqWebMail
    - Verify you can read email sent 
    - Verify you can send email
    - Verify that ssl (https) is working to read email
* Antiviral for MTA
    - Access Control Lists
    - Exiscan ACL
    - ClamAV Install and Testing
        + (Install from source/package)
        + Update clamav.conf
        + Update Exim config to recognize ClamAV install

Saturday: Day 6, January 16
Morning (BC)

*Routing Overview
    - Subnets Review
* Static Routing Excercises using FreeBSD boxes with two nics   
    - Configure static routes under FreeBSD  
    - Configure IP addresses on FreeBSD nic interfaces
    - Configure static default routes on FreeBSD hosts  
    - Change ip addresses on nic interfaces in FreeBSD  
    - Add static routes to the FreeBSD system (route, netstat)  
    - Understand the use of FreeBSD as a serial console
    - Perform basic network troubleshooting tasks such as ping    
      and traceroute.  
    - Review default routes
* P/EGP Overview

Afternoon (HA/BC)

* Questions and Answers
    - Students and instructors informal review of the week
* Review of the week
* Exam
    - Covering topics studied during the week. Approx. 30 min
* Workshop Closing and Certificates
    - Formal closing of the workshop
    - Handout of certificates of participation to each attendee

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Last modified: Fri Jan 14 23:41:31 GMT 2005